Published on 10, May 2024

Introducing the Climb and Conquer site

Hello there, welcome to the brand new Climb and Conquer website – it’s our absolute pleasure to unveil this site as it solidifies almost 3 years of trading a consultancy business in search.

Climb and Conquer is a dedicated search marketing agency brand on the back of a highly successful 3 years trading as a freelance consultancy business, under the name of Shane Parkins. The agency has been built to help progress the company as a wider team effort, as opposed to a singular freelancer.

Our mission over the coming weeks, months and years is to help as many businesses as we possibly can to win in search. We really want to cut through the fluff and make a difference in all the right areas (bank accounts) through our expertise and proven track record in the sector.

As the Performance Director of Climb and Conquer I’m so thrilled to welcome you to the site and a brand new chapter in the business.

Shane Parkins
Shane Parkins

From the blog

We're an agency that takes action, but sometimes we like to do the talking as well. Here you'll find some team intros, updates about the company or some industry news we think is worthy to shout about.

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